Customer Reviews (1)In today’s connected world, it is impossible for an individual to function without a computer or a smart phone. For businesses, this dependence is a 1,000X more. Being tech-savvy and a functional know-how of computers, the internet and associated cyber security measures is an absolute must to function well.
Cyber security attacks are like natural calamities for businesses. You must be prepared or face long disruptions if your cyber security is weak or fails to prevent data breaches or loss of critical financial information.
If you want to prepare cyber security proposals, these are also available with us. Click here to access these cyber security proposals to get clients.
If you want to ensure the longevity of business, mastery of cyber security is a non-negotiable skill. To this end, SlideTeam has curated C yber Security PPT Templates to help you stand your ground, and even prevent cyberattacks. These slides on cyber security are all 100% customizable and editable.
The content-ready feature means you get the starting point and the much-need structure. With editability, you can tweak the presentation to your unique audience preferences.
Let us explore this world-class template on cyber security solutions that will help you draw up a roadmap.
This complete deck PPT Presentation in 78 slides is a comprehensive resource to help companies create awareness on cyber security among employees. Use this PPT Layout to draw up a three-step agenda to build a cyber security team, which will be responsible for identifying and mitigating cyberattacks. The concepts covered are meant to prevent fraud and data breaches. The eight chapters outlined in the hands-on course are a security blanket against attacks. Starting with an overview of cyber security awareness, we conduct a current state assessment of the enterprise. Recognizing cyberattacks is another core competence that needs to be drilled into the cybersecurity team. The four major mediums/platforms for raising cyber security among employees are also covered; the four tools outlined are online courses, automation tools, general strategies, and an In-House Training Plan. The USP of this presentation template is the slide on cyber security awareness trends in 2023, an almost real-time repository of information. Statistics on the lack of cybersecurity awareness create an urgency about the issue that it deserves. Download this slide now and master your defences against the unseen warrior.
What is cyber security and how it works is the fundamental question this PPT Template answers. Divided into 13 sections, the educative bundle provides dashboards for cybersecurity tracking. This makes the presentation template extra special as you become more compliant and, hence, more organized using it. Cyber risk identification and cyber security implementation in the company are covered in detail. Preparing and deploying strong IT policies and setting up measures for secure communication are essential aspects covered. The algorithm for ensuring cyber security is also studied and will get your massive recall. Get your hands on this brilliantly-conceived PPT with a download now!
With the business world increasingly using the internet as a significant raw material in its processes, this presentation template details how to handle cybersecurity threats and secure digital assets. Use this template to showcase your expertise in handling kinds of insider digital threats, ranging from malicious, negligent, or third-party insiders. As almost all industries are vulnerable to cyberattacks, a slide is devoted to addressing cyber threats across industries. The tabular format gives an interesting perspective with the four major heads mapped together. These are the industry kind, the attack it faces, the cyber-attackers' method, and the outcome. The PPT bundle includes slides on threat management action plans, a slide on the ideal cybersecurity team structure, selecting a secured threat management structure software, and so on. The three dashboards, specifically the one on the cyber threat management dashboard (includes top 5 organizational vulnerabilities) and a risk-rating breakdown, complete the well-structured logical template that is your one-stop shop for cyber security risk management.
Security against cyberattacks is driven by the risk assessment and levels of threat businesses perceive themselves to be under. This PPT Template is the answer to how enterprises ensure cyber-safety in a world, which is shifting to Internet of Things (IoT) products. The presentation templates include slides on defining business priorities to ensure organization information security. The three pillars are efficient risk management, a standardized incident management process, and transparent communication. Get your hands on a threat vulnerability asset matrix and a summary of your existing security management capabilities with a download of this deck. You will feel safe after implementing the steps given in this presentation template.
This complete deck is a comprehensive guide to train employees on enterprise cyber security, with the primary aim being awareness, eventually leading to the prevention of such attacks. Use this presentation template to start with a slide on the current scenario, which lists problems, the most vulnerable departments, and a look at past attacks. Then, an entire segment of slides is devoted to finding gaps in security programs. Before starting the training using this downloaded complete deck, kindly review the security awareness program checklist. Spread your expertise with a slide on automated security awareness platforms and cost. The frameworks and formats for the training also get their due. Finally, the deck takes you through organization impact metrics on behavior and strategy. Download this template now to get one-pagers on the ROI of the security awareness training. The timeline of the program and three KPI dashboards are part of the training curriculum.
Awareness starts with realization. This comprehensive PPT Template is a must-have in your presentation library, encompassing a slide (numbered 7) as the starting point. The layout lists the cyberattacks your company faced over the past year. Familiarize your team with the types of cyberattacks using this presentation template that lists the five major ones as phishing; network intrusion; inadvertent disclosures; stolen or lost devices on record, and system misconfiguration. Also, get access to dashboards, a communication plan to transform the training into a permanent fixture on your business calendar, and so on. Special slides are included on the budget and the timeline of the awareness program to make this a treasure house of implementable information. Download it now!
This case study documents the travails and the final triumph of a healthcare company, ABS, against toxic cyberattacks and data breaches. The presentation template starts with an overview of the company and the scale of the problem it faces viz-a-viz cyberattacks. As you will see in the slides, its records hit by malware increased, worryingly, from 10% to 36% over four years. The template studies three challenges and their corresponding solutions in the detailed guide of a PPT. Download now, and see how the same challenges and solutions fit your business. At the very most, you need to tweak it to apply the solutions to your workspace. The presentation devotes three slides to strategies against cyberattacks. The SWOT analysis of the company is also demonstrated. Download this template now to get the hang of the measures that overcome cybersecurity threats in your business.
Use this template to dig deep and implement the eight key elements of a cyber security strategy it documents. Also, showcase your expertise in designing an organizational framework of your cyber security strategy in terms of leadership elements and managing the threat per se. The importance of risk management in cyber security strategy is demonstrated in a special slide, with a content-ready cyber security strategy also a part of the deck. The best practices slide against cyber threats also acts as the USP. With bonus icon slides included, this presentation template is an absolute masterpiece. Get it now with a click below.
Use this presentation template to learn about the six cyber security incident response steps. This involves preparation, detection, analysis, containment, eradication, and recovery. Also, get world-class expertise in the included slides on strategies for efficient cyber security incident management. Also, understand how regular training and a dedicated incident response team are essential requirements. The PPT Template also explains how the cyber security incident response framework enhances business performance. Get a content-ready format for cyber security incident reports to stand out for your professionalism. A KPI Dashboard where you get consolidated figures by alarm number and types completes this nuanced, hands-on take on cyber security incidents. Download now!
This template ensures that your response to any cyber security incident is top-notch and well-prepared. Use it to divide the response into four categories of identification and detection; containment; eradication and recovery, and finally, the response post-recovery. All four stages are mapped to resources needed to enhance preparation. This hands-on PPT bundle also includes a software checklist to respond to cybersecurity incidents. In the tracking dashboard for a response, present all know-how about the severity of the incidents, along with risk ratings in the form of a heat map.
Download this response code to cyber security incidents now!
This PPT Preset highlights how Information Technology (IT) provides cyber security elements. The fundamental slide lists the leading information security principles, abbreviated to CIA or Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Use this presentation template to showcase expertise in the operational security elements of cyber security, end-user security, and cloud security aspects. The slides on types of cyber attackers and tools for cyber security goals for each pillar of the CIA ensure you have all the IT tricks up your sleeve. Get this perfect defensive template now!
Cyber security has a negative connotation, but opportunities are also associated with it. This PPT Template brings you opportunities up to speed on your career roadmap in this growing field. Then, we have another roadmap on offer in this comprehensive, complete deck. Know how you reduce risk over the five-stage roadmap on cyber security. It comprises securing, defending, containing, managing, and anticipating. You can also track program maturity and program cost with the use of this well-researched presentation template. Get it now!
This PPT Template on cyber security awareness starts with outlining its four phases in Slide 1. Then, we move on to expert certification programs for you to learn; around 15 such certifications are listed. The essential disciplines of a cyber security program: End-users, applications security auditing, security technologies, security services, and policy standards are tabulated against the topics to be tackled and segmented into modules. As the organization head, you will find the slide on the five pillars of the cyber security program especially useful. Get versed in ensuring you are always primed to ward off cyber attackers with this template. Get it now.
This PPT template is a great starting point for conveying your messages and building collaboration. The twelve slides added to this PowerPoint slideshow help you present a thorough explanation of the topic. You can use it to study and present information in the form of stats, figures, data charts, and many more. This PPT Template is suitable across businesses and industries. It includes both quarterly and weekly awareness schedules for awareness and training programs. The timeline suggested is borne out of years of hands-on experience and work. Also, find a format that helps you calculate and track your return on investment from cyber security training programs. The presentation template also lets you document improvement in incident response rate from employees post the training. Get this practical template that allows you to showcase your intimate knowledge of cybersecurity training.
This PPT Layout is the perfect answer to assess your progress in ensuring the cyber security of your organization’s systems and processes. Each of the 17 slides in the complete deck is related to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), giving you ample time to analyze the cyber security threats that you have been able to neutralize or prevent. Use this PPT to conduct a two-year comparative analysis of measures taken, like the speed of response in terms of days to patch a piece of software. The risk analysis KPI dashboard is the USP here, with the cost calculated for critical risk events, medium-level risk events, etc. Get this template now and start a fantastic journey of being immune to cyber threats.
This hands-on PPT Template is meant to address cyber security incidents that mar the operational performance of businesses. The slides enclosed deal with gap analysis representing the current cyber security incident management scenario. The USP is the best practice for cyber security incident management, which starts with forming a team and conducting regular drills to assess preparedness. Checklists form an essential part of this complete deck. A timeline for crisis management is included. Get this exciting template now!
With the core agenda of integrating cyber security automation tools in business processes, this PPT Template starts with the timeline for fixing errors. Get your audience in tune with the security automation architecture and its importance. Find in our slides the criteria to automate and understand security processes that you cannot automate. Download it now to have peace of mind.
Use this presentation template to plan and deliver an interactive cyber security awareness program. It starts with four major variety elements: high-quality content, personalization, and gasification. The complete deck in 19 slides also provides the ideal template for creating cybersecurity awareness. Use this Preset to also compare security awareness training software on parameters of phishing simulation and industry-specific training plans. Up to four software packages can be assessed using this template. Finally, we close the presentation with a slide on the Dos and Don'ts of cyber security awareness. Download this template now!
For a cyber fraudster, banks are the most lucrative target. This PPT Template is a must-have for banks to shore up their cyber defense using big data. This involves hiring a data science firm that analyses data using real-time machine learning and predictive modeling. Use this layout to understand the role of big data use-cases in improving banks' cyber security. The case study quoted in the PPT is Citibank's investment in Feedzai. Download this slide now and get an extensive security blanket around your financial institution.
This slide represents a five-step approach in the cyber security strategy framework. This starts with identifying, protecting, detecting, responding, and recovering. Each step involves doing something to make it work as an effective strategy and feed into the following action in the chain. For instance, the three areas identified in the first step could be asset management, risk assessment, governance, and compliance. Once this is done, you protect assets through access control. In this way, a chain of defense is ringed around an organization. Get this template now!
This PPT Dashboard on threat tracking is an absolute must-have for organizations to stay vigilant on cyber security. This slide covers monthly threat status; current risk status; threats based on the role; threats that business owners may pose themselves. A consolidated threat report is also studied. The threat report lists the probability of a particular attack materializing based on color. In the threat graph based on role, the insiders are the most vulnerable due to the all-pervasive access they usually have. Download this precise template now and stay free of threats.
This PPT Template showcases a framework for cyber security risk governance and management model to align business and IT objectives. It includes key components such as analysis, design, specification, implementation, testing, production, operation etc. Use this presentation template to demonstrate key insights into elements that make up an ideal cybersecurity governance model. These are risk management, continuous audit, vulnerability handling and risk monitoring. The idea behind the model is to ensure that resources are judiciously used and there is always a layer of cyber security that governs the organization.
You can resolve a problem only when you are aware of the exact magnitude of it. It is only then that the quality of your intervention can be monitored. This PPT Template represents the most practical format of a report to monitor the networks and systems of the organization effectively. It includes KPIs such as total intrusion attempts, mean detection time of a cyber attack, and mean time to resolve the issue. Other significant parameters that you can track are intrusion attempts by week, phishing test success rate by week, and even intrusion attempts by malware type. Get this presentation template now to start a fruitful journey of better tracking and a more robust prevention process.
As the IT head of a business organization, you must be detailed and thorough in your work. Use this PPT Template to showcase your attention to detail and thoroughly map the organization's cyber security based on how the executives and non-executives fare on encryption and knowledge of primary cannons of being secure on the web. The parameters covered are application (app) health, device license consumption, data encryption, and more. With attractive pie charts and bar graphs, this is a pro’s guide to showcasing the effort to secure a business against cyber-attacks. Get the template now!
This PPT Template frames cybersecurity as an essential part of corporate governance, ensuring it gets the importance it deserves. The idea is to cover all critical bases of a business organization. These include leadership, data security charter, risk management, security plans, etc. The four significant umbrellas covered in cyber security are Governance, management, HR security, and measurement. Infrastructure security, for instance, is a big piece in preventing any cyber security breach from the management side of the organization. Get this template now to create a plan that stands the test of time.
There are no second-chances in cyber safety. Valuable business data or financial assets can disappear in the blink of an eye for businesses not careful enough to safeguard their digital information. Cybersecurity is indispensable for all businesses today. You will do well to have it work for you, and the only solution you need are the templates showcased above. Get this now to start on a fruitful journey to complete cyber security.
Some examples of cyberthreats are a malware attack, in which cyber criminals inject malicious software into your system network. Then, we have phishing attacks, password attacks, the man-in-the-middle attack and so on. The denial-of-service attack and the insider threat are other significant tools that cyber-criminals deploy and make life difficult for businesses to operate normally.
Traditionally, cyber security involves dealing with the 5Cs that contribute meaningfully to the creation of a layer of protection around the cyber assets of a business. These ensure that there is always some element of cover available to a business. The idea is to be mindful of the Cs of compliance, change, cost, continuity, and coverage. Each of these involves the active cooperation of all people in the organization. Sometimes, to ensure cyber security, even external contributors must be made more compliant.
Network, cloud and physical security forms the triad of cyber security that each business needs to ensure in one form or the other. Though, if you change the classification criteria a bit, there is also the domains of end-point security, mobile security, IoT security and application security to take care of. In each of these cyber security types, there are measures to be taken like data and access controls for network; and controls and policies that work for cloud security.