Free Printable Math Worksheets for Calculus
Stop searching. Create the worksheets you need with Infinite Calculus.
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- Multiple-choice & free-response
- Never runs out of questions
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- Limits by Direct Evaluation
- Limits at Jump Discontinuities and Kinks
- Limits at Removable Discontinuities
- Limits at Removable Discontinuities with Trig
- Limits at Essential Discontinuities
- Limits at Infinity
- Average Rates of Change
- Definition of the Derivative
- Instantaneous Rates of Change
- Power, Constant, and Sum Rules
- Higher Order Derivatives
- Product Rule
- Quotient Rule
- Chain Rule
- Differentiation Rules with Tables
- Chain Rule with Trig
- Chain Rule with Inverse Trig
- Chain Rule with Natural Logarithms and Exponentials
- Chain Rule with Other Base Logs and Exponentials
- Logarithmic Differentiation
- Implicit Differentiation
- Derivatives of Inverse Functions
Applications of Differentiation
- Derivative at a Value
- Slope at a Value
- Tangent Lines
- Normal Lines
- Points of Horizontal Tangents
- Rolle's Theorem
- Mean Value Theorem
- Intervals of Increase and Decrease
- Intervals of Concavity
- Relative Extrema
- Absolute Extrema
- Optimization
- Curve Sketching
- Comparing a Function and its Derivatives
- Motion Along a Line
- Related Rates
- Differentials
- Newton's Method
- Limits in Form of Definition of Derivative
- L'Hopital's Rule
Indefinite Integration
Definite Integration
- Approximating Area Under a Curve
- Area Under a Curve by Limit of Sums
- Riemann Sum Tables
- First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Substitution for Definite Integrals
- Mean Value Theorem for Integrals
- Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Applications of Integration
- Area Under a Curve
- Area Between Curves
- Volume by Slicing - Washers and Disks
- Volume by Cylinder Method
- Volume Using Known Cross Sections
- Motion Along a Line Revisited
Differential Equations
- Slope Fields
- Introduction to Differential Equations
- Separable Equations
- Exponential Growth and Decay