Is your student a First through Twelfth grader and new to Calvert County or public school? Then, please proceed to Step 1 below. For pre-kindergarten and kindergarten families, please read tailored information below before proceeding with the registration process.
Thank you for your interest in our prekindergarten program. Our prekindergarten program slots are filled through an application process. We are ONLY registering families that have received a prekindergarten acceptance email with a specific registration code from Calvert County Public Schools. If you have any questions about the application process, email Andrea Jones, Prekindergarten Program Specialist or email Michelle Ward, Supervisor of Early Childhood or contact their office at 443-550-8081.
If you have the acceptance email with the registration code, please begin “Step 1: Documents for Online Registration” below.
All students must be registered in their designated home school. Families DO NOT need to complete a transfer request. All registration documentation must be received before your child can be enrolled. To complete enrollment, the school office will have you come in with your original documentation for verification.
Your child must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024 to be eligible for Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. All children must be registered in the designated home school associated with your address. If you need to request a transfer to another building, you will need to contact your child's school after completing the online registration and submitting all registration documents, to receive your child's ID number. The ID number is necessary to request a transfer. Transfer requests must be submitted using our ScribChoice program. All registration documentation must be received before your child can be enrolled.
Special Note: Students that attended a CCPS prekindergarten program this past year are already registered. You DO NOT need to complete a new registration for your child. We ask that you call your home school to alert them that your child will be attending this year. If their records are located at another building, that school will have them sent over to the new school building.
As part of Ready to Read Act Senate Bill 74, Calvert County Public Schools will administer a universal screener to all kindergarten students. This screener will help to determine if a student is at risk for reading difficulties. The screener, NWEA Measures of Academic Progress K-2 Reading Growth Assessment, will be administered using an online format in the fall, winter, and spring and results will be shared.
All students must complete the Online Registration and register in their zoned school based on their Calvert County residence address. Note: If a parent would like their student to attend a different school, an in-county transfer request must be submitted AFTER online registration and enrollment have been completed.
The following items will need to be provided to complete your registration:
Only Pupil Personnel Workers may, after an investigation, accept other documents to prove residency.
A driver’s license, banking account (checking account) utility bill or other bills are NOT sufficient documentation and will not be accepted as proof of residency.