How to Write Nursery Rhymes

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A traditional nursery rhyme is a short rhyming poem often written for children. For useful tips on how to choose a great topic, compose the rhyme, and ensure your formatting is correct, read on!

Part 1 of 3:

Finding a Topic

Step 1 Write about an animal for a fun approach.

Step 2 Create a character to help you tell a story in the rhyme.


Step 3 Choose an object to write about if you have a favorite or special one.

Step 4 Create a different version of an existing rhyme for a more guided approach.

Step 5 Read examples of nursery rhymes to get inspiration.

Advertisement Part 2 of 3:

Creating a Draft

Step 1 Tell a simple story about your topic.

Step 2 Follow a rhyme scheme for a traditional approach.

Step 3 Use repetition to add rhythm and flow.

Step 4 Include alliteration to make the poem sound interesting.

Step 5 Use counting in the poem to teach numbers.

Step 6 Include silly or funny details to the poem to make it memorable.

Step 7 Keep the poem within 4-7 lines.

Advertisement Part 3 of 3:

Polishing the Nursery Rhyme

Step 1 Read the nursery rhyme aloud.

Read the nursery rhyme aloud. Once you have completed a draft of the nursery rhyme, read it aloud several times. Listen to how it sounds. Notice if it rhymes properly and rolls off your tongue easily. Check that it has a simple story that is easy to follow and understand. [6] X Research source

Step 2 Share it with others to get their feedback.

Step 3 Revise the nursery rhyme for flow and content.


Community Q&A

I really want to improve in my mathematics class because it’s very hard to focus when my teacher's explaining a certain topic or a solution to a problem. How can I become better and focus more on math and grades in general?

Community Answer

Try to make the lesson interesting to yourself. If you like doodling, doodle what your teacher says and revise at home.

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About This Article

Co-authored by: wikiHow Staff Writer

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 130,572 times.

52 votes - 72% Co-authors: 31 Updated: March 11, 2023 Views: 130,572 Categories: Featured Articles | Songwriting

If you’d like to write your own nursery rhyme, start by choosing a character based on your favorite animal or a special toy. If you like snakes, for example, come up with a couple of simple lines, such as, “Jake the snake/ really loves to shake.” Then, write about something that happens to Jake using techniques like repetition (“Jake loves to slink, slink slink”) to add rhythm and flow. Additionally, don’t be afraid to add silly or strange details, such as “Jake ran from a hungry eel/ Looking for a meal,” to make your rhyme fun to read aloud for the reader. To learn more, including how to create a different version of an existing nursery rhyme, read on!

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