Firearm Permit Applications & Forms

In order to apply for or renew a Mississippi firearm permit, please follow the below steps:

STEP ONE: Click Here to determine the appropriate fee.

STEP TWO: Chose the appropriate application and applicable form(s) below. Completely fill out the form(s), then print before you close your browser, or your information will be lost.

STEP THREE: Once printed, sign and date the application. Note: some forms are required to be signed in the presence of a notary.

STEP FOUR: Submit the appropriate application and affidavit in person (first time applicant) or mail (renewal), along with any applicable form(s) indicated in the application section Qualifying Questions, Special Designations and Enhanced Carry Option.


The renewal application and any necessary forms must be mailed to:

Firearm Permit Division at

Canton, MS 39046

When mailing a renewal application, forms of payment are: personal check, cashier’s check or a money order made out to Department of Public Safety. Do not send cash. Returned checks will be accessed a fee. Personal checks may cause a delay with your application process. If mailing multiple applications do not send a joint payment. Payments must be made individually.

Applications (first time applicants) turned in to an authorized station Click Here, in addition to checks or money orders may also make payment in cash, credit or debit card.