For many, a trip to Home Depot is a dream. It holds all of the possibilities of what their homes could be and has every tool, fixture, and fastener a DIYer could ever hope to have. And all it is cradled in the scent of fresh sawdust and lumber.
Traditionally, Home Depot ramps up their hiring during the winter. Why? Because it ensures they have enough hands on deck for spring, when people emerge from their winter cocoons and begin thinking, “Maybe this year is the year I finally plant that garden.” Plus, summer isn’t all that far away, and that’s grilling season!
While it’s a bit different this year because of the coronavirus – where many stores are open but closing early, and corporate decided to skip spring sales – this home improvement giant is still hiring. After all, they are an essential business during these trying times. The ability to replace broken water heaters, air conditioners, and toilets is, in a word, crucial, so they can’t really afford to be shorthanded.
But that doesn’t mean answering Home Deport interview questions is a breeze. You still have to stand out as a top contender. Let’s take a look at what it takes to land a job at one of the happiest places on earth for DIYers.
Today, Home Depot employs “nearly 400,000 orange-blooded associates” across its more than 2,200 stores in North America, according to the company’s website. And what do those employees have in common?
They nailed their Home Depot interview questions, that’s what!
If you want to join their ranks, you’ll need to follow in their footsteps. How can you make that happen? It’s simple, really. Just prepare properly for the blasted interview.
When it comes to impressing a hiring manager, preparation is genuinely the key. By crafting well thought out answers in advance and getting comfortable with them, you can deliver your responses with confidence.
Think of it this way; what usually happens when you’re fishing for an answer during an interview? You stumble over your words, right? Or you spend a ridiculous amount of time using just two syllables: “um” and “uh.” Is that the best way to make a great first impression? Didn’t think so.
Alright, so we all agree that isn’t the way you want to come off. With the right preparation, you won’t.
So, how do you get started? Why, with research, my friend! Pick up that job description and review every line. As you do, make a note of the must-haves list and any skills or qualities Home Depot uses repeatedly. These all tell you about the company’s priorities for your target role, a.k.a., what you’re talking points should be.
But don’t stop with the job description. If you want to add some special sauce to your answers to the Home Depot interview questions, make your way over to the company’s website. Look for an overview of its mission and values. There, you’ll find more tidbits about what Home Depot finds essential.
MIKE'S TIP: How can a company’s values help you during an interview? Well, here’s an example; Home Depot lists “excellent customer service” first in its core values list. What does that mean? That talking about your dedication to customer service is a good idea. If you do, your speaking the company’s language. That’s smart.
Alright, but how do you work the important skills and qualities into your answers? Well, that depends. If you’re asked a traditional question, coming up with a response is pretty straightforward. For example, you might be asked to describe your cash-handling experience. If so, all you need to do is tell them about it, touching on the related skills involved.
Where it gets tricky is with behavioral interview questions. Here, you have to do a bit more to create an amazing response. Usually, you’ll want to use a combination of the STAR method and the Tailoring Method. While we’ve covered them both in detail before, here’s a summary of what they bring to the table.
The STAR method is an approach for creating engaging answers by using a storytelling approach. It makes your answers interesting and focuses on using examples to showcase your value. With the Tailoring Method, you up the ante a bit more. That strategy ensures your responses are as relevant to the hiring manager as possible, making your answers ridiculously compelling.
We also wanted to let you know that we created an amazing free cheat sheet that will give you word-for-word answers for some of the toughest interview questions you are going to face in your upcoming interview. After all, hiring managers will often ask you more generalized interview questions along with their Home Depot specific questions!
Click below to get your free PDF now:
FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET: Get our "Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet" that gives you " word-word sample answers to the most common job interview questions you'll face at your next interview .
Okay, now you understand how to answer the interview questions, so it’s time to dig in deeper. With a few examples, you can hone your approach, ensuring it’s in line with the tips above. Here are the top three Home Depot interview questions and answers:
The average Home Depot store sells over 35,000 different products. Online, there’s another million. The likelihood that you’ll memorize them all, to put it lightly, is slim to none.
So, if a customer comes in looking for something that they can’t describe well, there’s a decent chance you won’t be able to pull the product out of the recesses of your mind. Instead, you’re going to need to figure it out, and the hiring manager wants to make sure you can.
“If a customer was looking for something that they couldn’t clearly identify, I would start by asking thoughtful questions. I may ask them to describe what the part does or where they intend to use it. Requesting details about the material it’s made out of, its color, and approximately size could also help. My goal would be to narrow it down based on the details they can provide. That way, we could work our way toward it logically, ensuring they ultimately get what they need.”
Customer service is a guiding tenet for Home Depot. By asking this question, the hiring manager can see how you view this critical component of their success.
“For me, exceptional customer service is all about doing more than expected. Going above and beyond to not just ensure the customer is satisfied but is genuinely happy with their experience is essential. Similarly, maintaining a positive attitude, even during challenging moments, is vital. By doing so, you increase customer loyalty, ensuring that customers return for all of their home-related needs.”
Cashiers sometimes face the uncomfortable situation of a declined credit or debit card. Usually, the shopper is taken aback when it doesn’t go through, and they may even become defensive.
Navigating this sensitive situation carefully is typically critical, so hiring managers want to make sure you can handle it. By asking this question, they gain insight into how you’d respond.
“If a customer’s card was declined, I would first let them know discretely. I would invite them to run the card again, as errors can certainly occur. If they choose to do so, and the same response comes through, I would inform them of the result. My goal would be to remain calm, professional, and empathetic, reassuring them that these kinds of things do happen on occasion. At that point, I would invite them to use an alternate method or for me to pause their transaction or store their items for a short time while they work to get the issue resolved.”
Here are 30 more Home Depot interview questions you may need to answer:
Getting the opportunity to ask a few questions at the end of an interview is par for the course. Usually, you can get at least a few in, giving yourself a chance to showcase your interest in the role.
Plus, it’s a great chance to see if the job is actually right for you. After all, it’s better if it’s a good fit all around, right? Right.
If you aren’t sure what to ask at the end of your Home Deport interview, here are five questions you can keep at the ready:
Interviews, to put it simply, are stressful. Sitting across from a hiring manager – either in-person or virtually – is nerve-racking, even if you know that you’re a great candidate. Luckily, you have everything you need to land a hole in one: all of the tips above.
So, why wait? Get every ounce of value out of your new knowledge and show that hiring manager you have what it takes. You’ll be happy you did.
Download our "Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet" that gives you word-for-word sample answers to some of the most common interview questions including:
Check out our other articles in our Company Specific Interview Series:
Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at
His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan, Penn State, Northeastern and others.
Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page.